Let’s talk. And, don’t worry, I’m not giving up my blog. In January, I celebrated fourteen years writing about books and authors, and sharing that passion for reading with all of you. But, in the last year, as I read ten mysteries a month for Library Journal, I found it harder to keep up with my regular reading to review five books a week for you. When I’m not traveling, I am reading at home. As I said, I’m passionate about books and discussing them with you.

But, I feel as if I’m letting you down at times. You still get to read posts about the books I review for Library Journal. I just don’t feel as if I can talk about those books until the reviews appear or it’s release date for the books themselves. I do have two reviews ready to go next week when they’re released. I don’t post the reviews I’ve written for LJ. I rewrite them for the blog. I’ve discovered some wonderful books and authors this way. My editor sends me a box of books each month, and I get to pick ten from that box.

In between mysteries, I’m still reading novels and nonfiction. But, I’m going to have to do a little better so I don’t disappoint you or myself. I’m happy that I have this connection with you. Some things on the blog won’t change. I’ll still review. I have some exciting author interviews coming up. We’re still going to do “What Are You Reading?” on Thursdays (which I love!), and I’ll still run contests on Fridays. Treasures in My Closet will still appear. Sandie Herron will have an occasional review here for “Have You Heard?” or “Sandie’s Corner”.

Starting tomorrow, though, there will be an additional feature. When I don’t have a review or a regular post for you, I’ll do a short book chat. It might be about the book I’m reading side by side with  a mystery for LJ. It might be about something new at the library because I order all the adult fiction, and I get to see the new books as they arrive. You may see a book chat one week, and then a longer, more complete review of the book a few weeks later. Actually, it’s just one more way of sharing books with you. I hope you’re not disappointed.

I see it as my goal in life to share my passion for books. I used to do book chats when I was in Arizona. Once a quarter, I’d put together a list of fifteen books, a few more or a few less, and talk about them for an hour. Those are definitely quick book chats! They became popular enough with the staff that staff from all three libraries met once a month, and we all shared our chats. You and I are really doing that on Thursdays. Now, I have one more way to share books with you.

You’ve been here for the reviews, interviews, Thursday’s feature, the giveaways. I hope you continue to enjoy the blog as I change it up a little, adding book chats to what we’re already doing here.