Let’s talk. And, don’t worry, I’m not giving up my blog. In January, I celebrated fourteen years writing about books and authors, and sharing that passion for reading with all of you. But, in the last year, as I read ten mysteries a month for Library Journal, I found it harder to keep up with my regular reading to review five books a week for you. When I’m not traveling, I am reading at home. As I said, I’m passionate about books and discussing them with you.
But, I feel as if I’m letting you down at times. You still get to read posts about the books I review for Library Journal. I just don’t feel as if I can talk about those books until the reviews appear or it’s release date for the books themselves. I do have two reviews ready to go next week when they’re released. I don’t post the reviews I’ve written for LJ. I rewrite them for the blog. I’ve discovered some wonderful books and authors this way. My editor sends me a box of books each month, and I get to pick ten from that box.
In between mysteries, I’m still reading novels and nonfiction. But, I’m going to have to do a little better so I don’t disappoint you or myself. I’m happy that I have this connection with you. Some things on the blog won’t change. I’ll still review. I have some exciting author interviews coming up. We’re still going to do “What Are You Reading?” on Thursdays (which I love!), and I’ll still run contests on Fridays. Treasures in My Closet will still appear. Sandie Herron will have an occasional review here for “Have You Heard?” or “Sandie’s Corner”.
Starting tomorrow, though, there will be an additional feature. When I don’t have a review or a regular post for you, I’ll do a short book chat. It might be about the book I’m reading side by side with a mystery for LJ. It might be about something new at the library because I order all the adult fiction, and I get to see the new books as they arrive. You may see a book chat one week, and then a longer, more complete review of the book a few weeks later. Actually, it’s just one more way of sharing books with you. I hope you’re not disappointed.
I see it as my goal in life to share my passion for books. I used to do book chats when I was in Arizona. Once a quarter, I’d put together a list of fifteen books, a few more or a few less, and talk about them for an hour. Those are definitely quick book chats! They became popular enough with the staff that staff from all three libraries met once a month, and we all shared our chats. You and I are really doing that on Thursdays. Now, I have one more way to share books with you.
You’ve been here for the reviews, interviews, Thursday’s feature, the giveaways. I hope you continue to enjoy the blog as I change it up a little, adding book chats to what we’re already doing here.
I am glad I found your blog and not to worry, I will always read it! I love learning about new, and old, books. I don't get out, so book blogs and author pages are my only way of knowing what is out there! Thank you for taking your time and writing about them.
Lesa, I admire your commitment to your blog and its readers. I look forward to your posts regardless how many days a week they are posted. I look forward to the changes and am thankful to have found your blog. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Do not EVER feel you need to apologize! Reading and reviewing ten books a month is not easy in general, let alone while holding down a full-time job, running a blog, etc. not to mention trying to read other books.
Thanks, everyone. I'm so happy you all found your way here, and that you continue to read my blog. I guess I sometimes feel as if I'm letting myself down as much as you. I'm proud of my blog, and the fact that you all comment about books. I want to keep it that way.
I will always hang out here with you. Hugs
Lesa – I love following your blog. I get a lot of wonderful books to try. I admire the fact that you keep up with all the materials you do. I'm a collection development librarian too and I know how hard it is to stay on top of things even when you really enjoy it. You're blog is wonderful and I'll continue to follow you here and in LJ. Thanks for all you do for readers and the library community.
I love the idea of BOOK CHAT, Lesa, and am always eager to hear what you think and about what you read. Hurrah!
Do what works for you. Even a short list of interesting new books that your library gets in would be fun to see. You don’t have to do a full review every day. I’ll still enjoy checking in here.
Lesa, I agree with each and every comment here. And as our friend Cathy in AZ would say (she told me this when I kept apologizing for the length of posts about my Left Coast experience) – 'stop apologizing, missee!'. That's Cathy to a 'T'. I remember when you'd talk about those book chats from your time in AZ. I loved hearing about them and wished we had done that when I worked at the library. So, girlfriend, you share what you'd like and what you have time for. You set high standards and I get that, but we will all be around reading what you feel inspired to share – whether it's every day or not. Lesa, you're a treasure in our lives! Hugs!
Well, I was hoping for full frontal nuidity, but book chats are good too.
(who refuses all liability for damaged keyboards due to flying liquids)
I am a happy regular visitor to your blog, though I don't often comment. Can't tell you how many wonderful books I have found through your posts and the comments of others here. Changing things up to suit your needs and preferences only makes sense.
Lesa – you know I love your blog and will read it whenever I can – and whenever you have time to write it. I constantly marvel at how you manage to read so many books, and write about them. I think it's really important to stay enjoying what you do and not thrash yourself to 'keep up' with some self-inflicted target. As you can see from these comments, we all really appreciate your writing and we look forward to the 'tweeks' too! Thank goodness you made it clear in the first line that you're not giving up – that really WOULD have upset us! Best wishes from moving-land (yes, I am finally moving house on Friday…) Rosemary x
Thank you! I love all of you. Well, maybe I shouldn't say that to Kevin. I appreciate all your notes and encouragement. It means a lot that you all love to read about the books.
Yay, Rosemary! Good luck with the move.
Lesa, you are stuck with me, now and forever. Whatever you do, I'm in. And I can't imaging starting my day without you.
That's a good stuck, Margie!
Well, there is not much left to say that has not already been said, Lisa, but I will definitely second whatMargie B. said “ I can’t imagine starting my day without you” !
Pat, You don't know how good it makes me feel though that people actually start their day with coffee & my blog!
Lesa, keep doing what you do. The pressure to read 10 books for LJ every month is a huge commitment. I do not work and reading 10 books a month is my goal and sometimes it just does not happen. Your blog is fabulous and changing it up keeps people interested and looking forward to what you have to impart to all of us.
I love this, Lesa! You'll get a little more freedom and more books will be covered. Plus, it feels like your comments are often "book chats," only kind of cumbersome. This will be a good thing (and, yes, much relief on seeing that you had "news" that it wasn't that you were retiring. PHEW!)
Lesa, we are with you whatever way you want to blog. Just keep posting whatever interests you. You have become a friend to have coffee with every morning.
And, I have a fantastic book to book chat with all of you tomorrow! I was so excited about it, I just did an oral one for my best friend, Donna, here at work. I can't wait to share it with you!
I love this idea!!!!! And can't wait for the first one. xxoo
I think you'll enjoy the first one, Kaye!
I'm a fan forever. Whatever you care to share, I'm listening.
Thank you, Carol! That's so kind. Come back tomorrow. I just wrote that post, and I'm excited about the background of the book.
Lesa, I think a book chat sounds wonderful. I support you in whatever you decide for your blog. I know how much you always want to do the best for the readers of your blog. I feel that with my blog, too, a responsibility, and I know how important it is for friends to support your blog, too. You do a fantastic job of sharing your love of reading and inspire us all to do the same.
No matter what you do on your blog and how you decide to do it, I know it will always be top-notch, Lesa!
That means a lot coming from you because your reviews and your blog are exceptional. Thank you.
Oh, Beth. Thank you.
I am looking forward to your book chat addition to your blog..
I think book chats sound marvelous! Thank you for all that you do. Like many, I enjoy checking in to see what is new and good.
Sounds good to me. I think we all look forward to whatever you post each day. Thank you.
Thanks, everyone! The first book chat is up for Wednesday. It's the facts behind the novel that I find fascinating.
OMG! Ten mysteries a month! You are so busy!
It takes me about 10 days to read a book. I usually read at night after all the days activities are done.
I look forward to the book chats.
Your idea for book chats reminds me of "Heard it in the elevator" or whatever we called it. There is so much news and tidbits and previews about books and authors out there. Getting that info is a hard task, since we often just hear pieces of the "bits and pieces." This sounds like a way we can all contribute a bit and come away more informed.
Thank you, Jim. I hope you enjoy them in the future.
Thanks, Sandie! You never know what will end up there. I'm quite happy with Wednesday's piece, though.
I just wanted to add a thank you for all that you share with us. You are one busy woman! Your email is the first one I look for each day and am happy for all new authors you and your readers have introduced me to over the years. I usually have my library website open so I can check to see if it's something available or possibly on order….have to beat the competition to get on the "list". Thanks again.
Kathy, Thank you. That note is a gift. All of the notes on this post mean a great deal to me. It's so nice to know that I'm helping people find their next book. Thank you for your note. It gives me so much joy knowing I'm spending mornings with so many of you.
Yeah for simplifying our lives!!! I used to love your Book Chats when you lived and wrote your blog here in Arizona. Thanks for being authentic with us and sharing all you do!
Oh, thank you, Gaye. I wouldn't know how to be anything else.