Edit – Thank you, Glen! I forgot we’re doing “What Are You Reading?” on Wednesday instead of Thursday this week. If he hadn’t said that, I would have just put up a review. Thank you so much!

YES! We are doing “What Are You Reading?” tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to it.

Thank you, Glen!

Well, I meant to finish a book and have a review here today. Instead, I ran errands, to the library, the dentist. Then, I came home and put up a few decorations before having a long phone conversation with Mom. Only the dentist appointment didn’t bring me joy. I won’t be here for Christmas, but I did put up a few lights, an Amish woven sleigh, and Santas. Light just brings me joy, and we all need it this year.

I can’t depend on Kevin’s reviews every day when I don’t have one. He did send me a couple to use for future posts. Instead, today, I’m just going to share a cup of hot cocoa with you. I’m going to wish all of you light and joy.

I should have a review for you tomorrow. In the meantime, are you doing anything nice for yourself this week, not just for your family?