About Lesa's Book Critiques
I have been a library manager/administrator for over 30 years, in Ohio, Florida, Arizona, and, now, Indiana. Library Journal Mystery Reviewer of the Year 2018. 2022 Raven Award recipient from Mystery Writers of America. Recipient of the 2018 David Thompson Memorial Special Service Award from Bouchercon Board. Winner of the 2011 Arizona Library Association Outstanding Library Service Award. I am a mystery columnist for Library Journal, Mystery Readers Journal, and ReadertoReader.com. Author of the “Mystery Fiction” chapter in Genreflecting: A Guide to Popular Reading Interests (7th ed.) Winner of the 2009 and 2010 Spinetingler Awards for Best Reviewer. |

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Kevin’s Corner Annex – John Sandford’s The Investigator
I've never before run a review of the same book twice in a week. But, John Sandford's The Investigator was released yesterday, and Kevin Tipple had sent a review of the book. I ran my review on Monday, but it doesn't hurt to offer a second viewpoint. Thank you,...
Nine Lives by Peter Swanson
I picked up Peter Swanson's Nine Lives because everything I read about it mentioned Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. I can see that it's a riff off the classic. I'll admit, though, by the time the characters were killed off in Nine Lives, I was really...
The Investigator by John Sandford
If you've read John Sandford's novels about Lucas Davenport, you've undoubtedly read about his adopted daughter, Letty. Her experiences as a child are rehashed in The Investigator, so even if you don't remember her, or never read a Lucas Davenport novel, you can...