Reviews + Articles
Midsummer Mysteries by Agatha Christie
For some of us, when nothing seems to fit our reading taste, Agatha Christie will work. Midsummer Mysteries: Tales from the Queen of Mystery collects a dozen stories featuring Christie's sleuths. Of course, there's Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot to kick off the...
Kevin’s Corner Annex – Linda Castillo’s Hallowed Ground
Kevin Tipple caught my comment the other day that I didn't really have anything to post until May 20, and he sent me a review of Linda Castillo's latest Kate Burkholder short story, "Hallowed Ground". I appreciate it, Kevin! It is Fall as Hallowed Ground: A Kate...
Winners & a Cozy giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the latest contest. Jennifer D. from Rochester Hills, MI won An American in Scotland. Katherine H. from Rhinelander, WI will receive Where Are the Children Now? The books will go out in the mail on Saturday. This week, I'm giving...
What Are You Reading?
Time! I need more time to read. That's what seems to be lacking right now, as I fill out application forms for apartments, and all kinds of things prior to retirement. I do hope you all saw my post the other day in which I said I will be continuing the blog. I'd...
Kevin’s Corner Annex – Dark Yonder: Issue 1
Kevin Tipple recently picked an interesting publication to review. Issue 1 of DARK YONDER is "a new literary journal that’s pushing the boundaries of neo noir. Issue 1 includes a killer cocktail recipe, commentary by editors and crime fiction authors Eryk Pruitt...
Anthony Nominees 2023
Yesterday, Bouchercon announced the nominees for the 2023 Anthony Awards. The winners will be chosen by the attendees of Bouchercon in San Diego, Aug. 30 to Sept. 3. (tre you more interested in these awards than the Edgars?) Best Hardcover Like a Sister by Kellye...