Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

After sitting in the stairwell at work for forty-five minutes on Friday, during a tornado warning, Monday was glorious here. It was a record high of 77, and sunny. I'd take that any day. Now, we're back in the fifties, of course, but that's typical March weather....


Taking the Weekend Off

I'm taking the weekend off. I've had a busy schedule with little time to read. So, I'm using the weekend to read for both reviews and myself. Catch you on Monday! Have a good...


Winners & a Mystery Giveaway

Winners & a Mystery Giveaway

Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Shawn S. from Freehold, NJ won Gone But Not for Garden. Linda K. from Woodstock, MD will receive Four Leaf Clover. The books are going out in the mail today. This week, I'm giving away mysteries you might not have...