Reviews + Articles
The Game is A Footnote by Vicki Delany
Tricky, tricky. Vicki Delany's latest Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery takes an unexpected turn two thirds of the way through the book with the arrival of Gemma Doyle's sister, Pippa. The Game is A Footnote went from a small local mystery of a haunted house and...
Courting Dragons by Jeri Westerson
Jeri Westerson, author of the Crispin Guest medieval noir mysteries, kicks off a new historical mystery series with Courting Dragons. Will Somers actually was the jester to Henry VIII through his reign, then jester to all of Henry's children, including Elizabeth I....
Of Mushrooms and Matrimony by Amy Patricia Meade
Amy Patricia Meade's Tish Tarragon series is one that I started, then picked up again a few books into it. I've always been glad I did because the primary characters all settled in to ones I enjoyed meeting again. Of Mushrooms and Matrimony brings back to Tish, the...
18 Years and Counting
Yes, I know it's Friday, and if you go back one post, you'll find the first giveaway of 2023. But, when I came upon the date on Facebook, I couldn't ignore it. I started my blog 18 years ago today. Quite a long time for a blog, and, it's not always easy, but...
Giveaway – Book-Related Mysteries
Does it seem as if it's been forever since the last giveaway? Hopefully, we'll be back on track with the giveaways, kicking them off on Fridays. If you've never entered one of the contests before, make sure you read the rules at the end of the post. I'm kicking off...
What Are You Reading?
Time to check in! How are you doing, especially if you're in California? I know you might have had some extreme weather there. I hope you all had the chance to check on the blog yesterday. Rosemary Kaye was kind enough to share her list of Favorite Books of 2022....