Reviews + Articles
Rosemary Kaye’s Favorites of 2022
For the last couple years, I've been posting the favorite booklists from some of the Thursday regulars. I'm sharing their booklists again this year, one every week or so. They'll be posted in the order I received them. Each list is a little different, not only in...
Fatal Fascinator by Jenn McKinlay
Jenn McKinlay's mysteries are always humorous and a little offbeat with heartwarming relationships between close friends. Fatal Fascinator, the seventh Hat Shop mystery, fits that description perfectly. Scarlett Parker could have saved everyone a great deal of...
The Master of Mysteries by Gelett Burgess
"I never saw a Purple Cow,I never hope to see one;But I can tell you, anyhow,I'd rather see than be one." By Gelett Burgess, who also wrote, "Ah, yes, I wrote the "Purple Cow"—I'm Sorry, now, I wrote it;But I can tell you AnyhowI'll Kill you if you Quote it!"...
February Treasures in My Closet
As I put this together on December 31, I read 180 books during 2022, including ten of them that are February 2023 releases. We have some good books ahead of us in the new year. Anticipation! Tell me what you're looking forward to reading in February, or even the...
Happy New Year!
Every New Year's Eve, I take a little time for reflection, to look back at the previous year. While I know 2022 wasn't easy for many, the pandemic did loosen up some, and it allowed more travel and more time to see family. I took advantage of both. Yes, I did get...
Favorite Books of 2022
Although I sent my friend Kaye Wilkinson Barley a list of my favorite books of 2022 for her Meanderings and Muses post, "What Did Women Like in 2022?", I said even then that it wouldn't be a final list. I changed my mind, added a book or two, took some off the...