Reviews + Articles
Secret Lives by Mark de Castrique
After Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club, it seems that seniors are the hottest sleuths. It's not very wise to underestimate them. It's certainly not wise to assume that seventy-five-year-old Ethel Fiona Crestwater is a sweet little lady who runs a...
Winners and A Bibliophile Mystery Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. Andi D. from Phoenix, AZ won Witchful Thinking. Marla B. from Las Vegas, NV will receive Witch and Famous. The books are going out in the mail today. This week, I'm giving away two books set in the book world....
What Are You Reading?
It was a tough week for mystery lovers, first the death of Peter Robinson, and, then earlier this week, we lost Angela Lansbury. Fortunately, we have their bodies of work to help us through. Would you believe I never read one of Robinson's books? I'm not sure when...
Treachery on Tenth Street by Kate Belli
Kate Belli takes us back to New York City and Newport in the sweltering heat of July 1889. While investigative journalist Genevieve Stewart and wealthy Daniel McCaffrey have teamed up before for dangerous adventures, in Treachery on Tenth Street, they're working...
The Plot and the Pendulum by Jenn McKinlay
Jenn McKinlay's latest Library Lover's Mystery has one of my favorite covers, and The Plot and the Pendulum is one of my favorite books in the series as well. McKinlay's descriptions of the scenery and weather in Connecticut in October tie in beautifully with the...
Sinister Graves by Marcie R. Rendon
Every couple years, Marcie R. Rendon comes out with another Cash Blackbear mystery. Sinister Graves is the third in this bleak series. Despite the dark atmosphere, I still read each book, hoping for a glimpse of hope. In this case, there's a Native woman called...