Reviews + Articles

Buried Lies by Steven Tingle

Buried Lies by Steven Tingle

Once again, inept private detective Davis Reed gets caught up in an iffy investigation in Cruso, North Carolina in Steven Tingle's Buried Lies. It's a good thing Davis has a couple disreputable friends, Deputy Dale Johnson and his cousin, Floppy. And, Floppy is...


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who is celebrating this year. For some of us, this isn't the easiest of Thanksgiving celebrations. We're still in shock after the election, and fearful of the years ahead. But, we'll muddle through, and find our strength again. I have...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

I'm so glad Glen jumped in yesterday to remind me we're doing What Are You Reading? today. I had forgotten that we're doing it today so anyone who wants can take Thursday off for Thanksgiving. And, I knew I wouldn't be around much on Thursday. So, thank you, Glen!...


A Day Off

A Day Off

Edit - Thank you, Glen! I forgot we're doing "What Are You Reading?" on Wednesday instead of Thursday this week. If he hadn't said that, I would have just put up a review. Thank you so much! YES! We are doing "What Are You Reading?" tomorrow, and I'm looking...