Reviews + Articles

2021 Agatha Award Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Agatha Awards, announced Saturday night at Malice Domestic. The awards were presented in 2022 for books published in 2021. Best Contemporary Novel Cajun Kiss of Death by Ellen Byron Best Historical Novel Death at Greenway...


Winners and Library Mysteries

Winners and Library Mysteries

Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. The copies of The Secrets We Share will go to Lisbeth M. from Kingwood, TX and Caryn S. from St. Louis, MO. The books are going out in the mail today. This week, I'm giving away two books dealing with libraries....


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

It's Thursday! Time to talk books with a group of friends again. So, let's talk about what we're reading. Winslow Homer: American Passage by William R. Cross is a dense book. It's 560 pages, and I'm sure I'm not going to get through it. At least the last 100 pages...


Stella by Josh Dygert

Stella by Josh Dygert

Sometimes, I just stumble across a book that surprises me. I'd never heard of Josh Dygert, but his novella, Stella, is set in Indiana. It was short enough that I could read it this week after meeting my deadline. It's poetic and atmospheric with the heat of...