Reviews + Articles

Dark Night by Paige Shelton

Dark Night by Paige Shelton

While I loved Thin Ice, the first book in Paige Shelton's Alaska Wild series, I wasn't as fond of the second one, Cold Wind. Beth Rivers, the protagonist, was one of those "Had I But Known" characters in the second book, and I hate characters who don't consider...


Jeri Westerson, Guest Author

Jeri Westerson, Guest Author

Jeri Westerson is ending the Crispin Guest series. It's a logical point to end it, but that doesn't mean I'm happy to see Crispin move on. She wrote a post for us to tell the story behind the story. Thank you, Jeri, and good luck with future books. Ending a Series...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

It's that quiet lull between Thanksgiving and the hectic pace of later December. I hope you're enjoying some quiet reading time. Would you take time to tell us what you're doing, and what you're reading? I'm reading the third Eve Ronin mystery by Lee Goldberg,...