Reviews + Articles
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! I hope you saw my post on Tuesday saying we'll talk about "What Are You Reading?" on Friday instead of today. Many of us have other plans for today, whether it's cooking, eating, spending time with family or friends, or just enjoying a...
At First Light by Barbara Nickless
In the late '70s and early '80s, I read George C. Chesbro's mysteries featuring Dr. Robert "Mongo" Fredrickson who had dwarfism. I didn't read the later books in the series as they drifted into speculative fiction. Now, one of Barbara Nickless' protagonists in At...
Thursday Road Trip – A Note
Rick asked if we were going to talk about books on Thanksgiving, and I'm glad he did. I should have mentioned it last week, and I just never put Thursday and Thanksgiving together at that time. I'll do a "giving thanks" post as I normally do, but, if the weather is...
These Precious Days: Essays by Ann Pratchett
I'm a fan of essay collections. My all-time favorite book is a collection of essays, A Thread of Blue Denim by Patricia Leimbach. When I want to read about home, I reread that book. I was three-quarters of the way through Ann Pratchett's These Precious Days when I...
Hello, Transcriber by Hannah Morrissey
Readers who appreciate Jess Lourey's troubled protagonists should latch onto Hannah Morrisey's Hello, Transcriber. This debut features a police transcriber. Hazel Greenlee views Black Harbor, Wisconsin as a purgatory where she's stuck. Her husband, Tommy, is an...
The Stranger in the Lifeboat by Mitch Albom
Mitch Albom's The Stranger in the Lifeboat is the #1 New York Times Bestseller, but I had a difficult time with it. I'm afraid I plodded through it. Albom specializes in parables, but this one just didn't move me. I did like the concluding paragraph. It fits for a...