Reviews + Articles

Fogged Off by Wendall Thomas

Fogged Off by Wendall Thomas

I'm not even sure I can summarize Wendall Thomas' Fogged Off properly. The third Cyd Redondo mystery is a fast-paced escapade with so many seemingly unrelated incidents that finally fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. And, Cyd. She's a thirty-year-old travel agent...


Winners and Series Debuts

Winners and Series Debuts

Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Reserved for Murder goes to Alicia K. from Stacyville, IA. Deadly Delights will head to Jane T. from West Linn, OR. The books are going out in the mail today. This week, I'm doing something I seldom do. I'm giving...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

Well, here in my world, it's been a much better week. But, I'm not sure about yours, with all that rain in the West and a Northeaster in the East. How are you doing? And, what are you reading this week? I'm a fourth of the way through The Mysterious Bookshop...