Reviews + Articles
Sandie’s Corner – Heart Seizure by Bill Fitzhugh
I didn't even have time to read on my lunch hour yesterday. Since I read an entire book on Sunday for yesterday's review, I haven't had time to finish another one. Fortunately, Sandie Herron read an older title, something a little different that she's willing to...
Talk Bookish to Me by Kate Bromley
Muses. I never really thought about writers needing a muse, however this was the second romance I read this month in which the author had writer's block. In both Maggie Finds Her Muse by Dee Ernst, and now Kate Bromley's Talk Bookish to Me, the author found...
Pint of No Return by Dana Mentink
With the temperatures climbing, it's the perfect time to dive into the new Shake Shop Mystery series. While readers will sample Dana Mentink's Pint of No Return, we'll probably return for the residents of Upper Sprocket, Oregon. Trinidad (Trina) Jones isn't sure...
The Prodigal Daughter by Mette Ivie Harrison
Although Mette Ivie Harrison's fifth Linda Wallheim mystery doesn't have much mystery to it, The Prodigal Daughter may be more realistic with a more believable ending than many mysteries. When an amateur sleuth gets involved because a story affects them...
Winners & A Bookshop in London Giveaway
First, no, I'm not giving away a bookshop in London. Second, congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. Every Kind of Wicked is going to Marla B. from Las Vegas, NV. Julia H. from Excelsior, MN will receive The Last Passenger. The books are going out in...
What Are You Reading?
My friend, Kaye Wilkinson Barley, refers to these days as "Thursdays at Lesa's". I love that. I hope you all feel as if we're just a group of friends gathered around to talk about books, with a few tidbits of life thrown into the conversation. So, tell me, how are...