Reviews + Articles
To the Dark by Chris Nickson
If you like realistic historical fiction, atmospheric with sometimes grim details of daily life, you might want to try the third Simon Westow mystery, Chris Nickson's To the Dark. When the snow melts in the dirty factory town of Leeds, England in February 1823, the...
Winners and Blood and Bones Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Charlotte W. from Covington, GA won A Curious Incident. Symphony Road will go to Kevin T. from Dallas, TX. The books are going out in the mail today. This week, the theme is blood and bones. Jess Lourey's novel,...
What Are You Reading?
Is that snow melting where you are, or are you one of the lucky people in California or other warm climates who didn't have it? I had four days off last week due to the snow, so I'm not complaining. I didn't have to drive to work in it. And, I had my first vaccine...
Hillary Rodham Clinton & Louise Penny
If you didn't catch this news yesterday, I'll share it now. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny have joined forces to write a thriller called State of Terror. I ordered it yesterday for the library. Here is the news release. News from SIMON &...
Nighthawking by Russ Thomas
I was a big fan of Russ Thomas' debut crime novel, Firewatching. However, Nighthawking, the sequel, is a confusing, complex book that culminates in a cliffhanger. Even readers of the previous book will have a difficult time connecting the storyline from the...
Faithless in Death by J.D. Robb
Kaye Barley is right. Nora Roberts, under that name or under J.D. Robb, never disappoints, and her storylines are always fresh and original. Faithless in Death, although it's set in 2061 (not that far in the future anymore), feels like it's topical and newsworthy...