Reviews + Articles
Ten Things I Hate about the Duke by Loretta Chase
I picked up Ten Things I Hate about the Duke by Loretta Chase because a review referred to The Taming of the Shrew. I didn't really care that it was book two in A Difficult Dukes series. It really doesn't matter. Although my understanding is that a couple...
The Blood is Still by Douglas Skelton
While it won't hurt to pick up the first Rebecca Connolly thriller by Douglas Skelton, Thunder Bay, this is one case when it's not necessary. The Blood is Still, the second book, is a compelling story that stands on its own. Skelton combines history and...
Winners and Chilly giveaways
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Karen H. from Liberty Township, OH won Hot to Trot. Lisa W. from Akron, IN won Fortune and Glory. The books are going out in the mail today. This week, I'm giving away books with chilly atmospheres. Let's start...
What Are You Reading?
How are you this week? Have you been able to concentrate on a book? Maybe books are your favorite escape from all of the news. So, what are you reading? I'm having a hard time concentrating, so William Ottens' Librarian Tales is just what I need. He's a librarian...
Glen Davis’ Favorites of 2020
Today, it's Glen Davis' turn to share his favorite books of 2020. If you haven't "met" Glen yet, he's one of the regular participants in "What Are You Reading?" on Thursdays, and he shared his 2019 favorites with us at the beginning of 2020. I enjoy Glen's dry...
Deep Into the Dark by P.J. Tracy
If you've ever read one of P.J. Tracy's Monkeewrench books, think back for a moment. Those mysteries are so hard to review without giving away the plot. Granted, we also read them for the emotionally scarred characters, but Tracy knows how to write a complex story....