Reviews + Articles
Deep Into the Dark by P.J. Tracy
If you've ever read one of P.J. Tracy's Monkeewrench books, think back for a moment. Those mysteries are so hard to review without giving away the plot. Granted, we also read them for the emotionally scarred characters, but Tracy knows how to write a complex story....
A Curious Incident by Vicki Delany
While I never had the chance to read about Gemma Doyle's adventures in England in There's a Murder Afoot, I didn't really miss anything by moving straight to the sixth book in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series. A Curious Incident just might be my favorite in...
A Deadly Edition by VicToria Gilbert
When I read last year's Blue Ridge Library mystery by Victoria Gilbert, I had a few issues with the book. The fifth book in the series, A Deadly Edition, made this reader happy that I gave the series one more try. My biggest problem with the previous book is...
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie
In 2017, before Kenneth Branagh's version of "Murder on the Orient Express", I reread that book. That's the last time I read one of Agatha Christie's mysteries until I saw a discussion on Twitter of A Murder is Announced. That's when I realized I hadn't ever read...
Book Giveaway – A Little Humor
Should we try it? I know the USPS has been extremely slow, but I'm willing to give away two books in a contest. Then, when I mail them, we'll see how long it takes for the books to get there. If you've never entered one of my contests, let me tell you how my...
What Are You Reading?
There might be a more important question today than "What are you reading?" How are you feeling, or how are you doing? I don't remember a time when I was so ashamed to be an American. My sister did two internships in Washington, D.C., one with our congressman; one...