Reviews + Articles
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! If you have all five the subjects in the picture above, you have extra reasons to be thankful this year. I know I do. Despite 2020 and the travel I missed, I consider myself fortunate. I still have my health. I hope none of us...
What Are You Reading?
Welcome back, everyone! I missed all of you. I missed catching up with your lives and your reading. I hope everyone finds the blog, and finds it easy to use. Even though it’s Wednesday, we’re going to do “What Are You Reading?” If you don’t get around to it until...
And, We’re Back!
And, we’re back! New address, but my wonderful friend was able to automatically send you to the new site. It’s now, with no blogspot in the address. It doesn’t hurt to change the address, though, if you have it bookmarked. Once I get...
Murder at the Bake Sale by Lee Hollis
Let's start with where you can buy Lee Hollis' latest cozy mystery, Murder at the Bake Sale. It's exclusive to Barnes & Noble through November 30, 2021. Is B&N trying to compete with Amazon's Thomas & Mercer? Hard to say, but I don't know that an...
Where I Come From by Rick Bragg
If you read Southern Living, you've probably read most of the essays in Rick Bragg's book Where I Come From: Stories from the Deep South. I'm not from the South. I'm not from the mill towns and hills and country that Bragg describes with so much love. But, it...
Winners & Another Christmas Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Silent Bite will go to Marie R. from Horeseheads, NY. Nancy H. of Dodgeville, WI will receive The Christmas Card Crime. The books will go out in the mail today. I have two more Christmas mysteries to give...