Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

How are you? Did you survive last week? I hope you're doing okay. I'm always willing to listen.Here's the other question. What are you reading? I'm reading Rick Bragg's new collection, Where I Come From: Stories from the Deep South. Rick Bragg and Craig...


Keep Moving by Maggie Smith

Keep Moving by Maggie Smith

Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change by Pushcart Prize-winning poet Maggie Smith is the kind of book that's difficult to review, but important to share. It might just call out to one or two people who really need this book. It's a collection of notes...


A Quote

A Quote

"Go easy on yourself today. If you feel a little weary, a little ragged, that's okay; that's how soul hangovers feel. This will pass."  - Maggie Smith, Keep...