Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

Whew! I made it to Thursday. I was cramming in books for reviews you'll read here in November and December. But, I'm fine. How are you doing this week? I'm just about to start Alex Trebek's memoir, The Answer Is...Reflections on My Life. Rosemary, Trebek is the...


The Rap Sheet Blog

Because I won't have much on the blog until Thursday, let's talk about someone else's blog today. I'm sure some of you have read The Rap Sheet. J. Kingston Pierce has been writing the spin-off from January Magazine almost as long as I've been writing Lesa's Book...


A Day Off

Funny to say I've been on vacation this past week, but have nothing to post on the blog today. I do have an idea for tomorrow, and I need to work on it. I'm actually on deadline, and I've read eight books in the last week. But, I reviewed one here, and you'll see...