Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

Check in, please. How are you doing this week? I hope everyone is okay, but let us know if you need a word of encouragement or a virtual hug. I can handle both of those, and I think others would step up, too. I'm reading S.C. Perkins' second Ancestry Detective...


Blue Marlin by Lee Smith

Blue Marlin by Lee Smith

Dimestore: A Writer's Life was Lee Smith's first nonfiction title. Somewhere, I have a copy that I haven't read yet. But, when I heard Judy Blume recommend Smith's novella Blue Marlin, I immediately ordered the book. It may be a small book, but Smith's note at...


Margaret Lucke, Guest Author

Margaret Lucke, Guest Author

What a pleasure! I love it when an author writes a guest post about libraries. I think you'll enjoy Margaret Lucke's piece. Let me introduce you to the author of the Claire Scanlan Haunted House books. Margaret Lucke flings words around in the San Francisco Bay...