Reviews + Articles
What Are You Reading?
Well, there you go, everyone. My apologies. I meant to take the moderation off for today because I want you all to be able to see each others' comments, but I forgot until this morning, and some of you had already commented. Sorry about that! As long as I'm adding...
Don’t Overthink It by Anne Bogel
I ordered Anne Bogel's Don't Overthink It quite a while ago because I enjoyed her book, I'd Rather Be Reading. I just got around to reading the book subtitled "Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More Joy to Your Life." Even when a book tends to...
The Secrets of Love Story Bridge by Phaedra Patrick
It's release day for Phaedra Patrick's latest novel. The author of The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper now brings us The Secrets of Love Story Bridge. It's the heartwarming story of a broken man who has been struggling with guilt and grief for three years. When...
How are you doing this week? Speak up, and if you need some emotional support, let us know. I'm here, and I'm always willing to listen. Take care of yourself. What worked for you as distractions this week? Celtic music, Broadway & ice cream! Distractions don't...
Death of an American Beauty by Mariah Fredericks
Mariah Fredericks' mysteries featuring lady's maid Jane Prescott are rich in the cultural issues of New York during 1910-1913. At the same time, they're engrossing mysteries with an observant young woman familiar with several social classes. In Death of an...
Have You Heard? Tess Gerritsen’s The Shape of Night
I'm sorry. I was too busy to finish a book for today. That's one reason I'm happy Sandie Herron sent this review of an audiobook, Tess Gerritsen's The Shape of Night. Thank you, Sandie. The Shape of Night ...