Reviews + Articles

Hump Day

Hump Day

Since it's Wednesday, and I'm still at my Mom's, I'll just wish you a Happy Hump Day. We'll gather tomorrow to talk about "What Are You Reading?" Today, I'm going to lunch here in Huron with some former classmates, and Mom is heading to her monthly lunch with her...


Sorry – No Review

Sorry – No Review

I actually had a review written and scheduled for here today, but the book was delayed at the printer's so the publisher changed the release date to August. I'm sorry. However, I messaged the author, and now we may all benefit. She asked if I wanted to review her...


My “Summer Residency”

You all know I'm up at my Mom's. My friend, David, called it my "summer residency". Huron is a pretty town on Lake Erie in northern Ohio. This weekend is the annual Riverfest, celebrating the town and the Huron River. So, last night, we watched fireworks from Mom's...