Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

I told you I'd be back on Thursday. I always want to know what you're reading! I've just started Elizabeth Spann Craig's first Village Library Mystery, Checked Out. Nothing like a dramatic cat rescue to kick off a cozy mystery. That's really not the mystery,...


Short Holiday Break

Short Holiday Break

Consider this a short three-day holiday break. Of course, I'll be back on Thursday for What Are You Reading? But, right now, I'm trying to catch up, make my Thursday deadline for Library Journal, and read a Christmas book or two to share with you. And, maybe even...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

It's Thursday! And, after our holiday party at work this morning, I'm off until next Wednesday. Lots of reading time! Of course, I have some errands to run first - car wash, groceries. But, I hope to settle in with the cats and books once I'm home today. I've just...