Reviews + Articles
Motherless Child by V.M. Burns
Motherless Child is only the second book in V.M. Burns' RJ Franklin mystery series, but I feel as if I know Franklin and his world. He's a homicide detective, but he's also a member of his Indiana community, devoted to his adopted grandmother, Mama B. He's been...
A St. Louis Getaway
Donna and I have been friends long enough now that we no longer give each other "things" as gifts, unless they mean something. Instead, we try to do something together so we can share a memory. This year, Donna gave me a trip to St. Louis. It all started with The...
Murder at the Opera by D. M. Quincy
At last! At last a new Atlas Catesby mystery from D.M. Quincy, and, at last, a series I've read from the beginning. If you enjoy atmospheric historical mysteries set in the early 19th century, mysteries that beautifully set the scene while introducing characters...
Have You Heard? Donna Andrews’ The Real Macaw
I was in St. Louis Friday and Saturday. I'm looking forward to sharing the pictures, but I didn't have time yet, so I'm pleased Sandie Herron has stepped up with a review of Donna Andrews' audio book, The Real Macaw. Thank you, Sandie. The Real Macaw Meg Langslow...
An Old Man’s Game by Andy Weinberger
It's sort of disturbing to realize Amos Parisman, a retired PI in Los Angeles, is only a few years older than I am. He was a Marine in Vietnam, then a private investigator for forty years. He and his wife, Loretta, are aging in a retirement home when he's called...
A is for Audra by John Robert Allman
As a Broadway fan, even before I actually saw the book, I wanted a copy of John Robert Allman's A is for Audra. He wrote the book, but this picture book wouldn't be anywhere near as wonderful without Peter Emmerich's illustrations of Broadway's leading ladies. It's...