Reviews + Articles

What Am I Reading?

What Am I Reading?

Did I surprise you? No, tomorrow is the day for What Are You Reading. However, I'm not in town this morning. I'm actually in St. Louis, and will be back this afternoon. I might even have time to finish my current book, and start a new one before we all talk on...


A Better Man by Louise Penny

A Better Man by Louise Penny

Because I can never say as much as I'd like about one of Louise Penny's Chief Inspector Armand Gamache mysteries, instead, I'm going to quote another mystery author. Betty Webb said to me, "I love to see books taken seriously -- and with reverence." I treat each...


Interview with Dana Ridenour

Interview with Dana Ridenour

If you haven't yet come across Dana Ridenour's books, I'm happy to introduce you. The author herself has a fascinating background. I can't wait to have her answer questions about herself and her latest book, Below the Radar. Thank you, Dana, for taking the time for...