Reviews + Articles

The Shameless by Ace Atkins

The Shameless by Ace Atkins

Ace Atkins' ninth Quinn Colson novel needs to come with a label, "Warning. To Be Continued..." If there was ever a book with a cliffhanger ending, it's The Shameless. Twenty years ago, a fifteen-year-old boy, Brandon Taylor, went missing in the woods where he...


Winners and a PI Giveaway

Winners and a PI Giveaway

Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Milwaukee Noir is going to Ed H. from Arroyo Grande, CA. Lisa G. of Pensacola Beach, FL and Melody M. from Wayne, PA each won a copy of Breaking the Dance. The books will go out in the mail today. This week, I'm...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

I don't expect a lot of posts today, but just in case you want to drop in, I'm around. No big plans for today, and I work tomorrow, so I didn't leave town. If you drop by, tell us what you're reading today or this week. On the recommendation of my friend Kaye...