Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

I'm so excited about the book I'm reading that I just started blurting it out before welcoming all of you to Thursday's post. Sorry about that! I hope you all stopped by to share your current book or books you've been reading this past week. Despite my excitement,...


Edith Maxwell Interview

Edith Maxwell Interview

When I knew Midnight Ink was going to fold, I put out a call to the authors, saying I would be happy to do an interview or post a guest post from any of them. Edith Maxwell's Quaker Midwife series has been published by Midnight Ink. The latest, Charity's...


May Treasures in My Closet

May Treasures in My Closet

It's hard to believe it's time to talk about May book releases already. Now that winter's over, the year can start slowing down. I don't want to rush it. However, I do have a small selection of titles for you to check out. Mary Kay Andrews can be counted on for the...