Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

It's Thursday! My favorite day since we're all talking about books. It's also Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day to those of you who are celebrating. It's never really been important to me, even when my husband was alive. However, books are always important to...


A Book Chat

Let's talk. And, don't worry, I'm not giving up my blog. In January, I celebrated fourteen years writing about books and authors, and sharing that passion for reading with all of you. But, in the last year, as I read ten mysteries a month for Library Journal, I...


Kevin’s Corner

Once in a while, I highlight a blog you might not have seen. Today, it's Kevin Tipple's blog, Kevin's Corner, at Kevin not only reviews books, usually mysteries, but he has an eclectic blog. He posts links to other...