Reviews + Articles
Winners & Holiday Leftovers Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the first giveaway of 2019. Both books are heading to Georgia. Charlotte W. of Covington won Manuscript for Murder, and Trish R. from Decatur will receive City of Secrets. The books are going out in the mail today. No, I'm not...
What Are You Reading?
Welcome to Thursday, and "What Are You Reading?" I can't wait to find out your book choices this week. Don't judge Jess Montgomery's book, The Widows, by the fact that I'm still reading it. I was sick for three days, and didn't read much of anything. I'll finish...
Book Love by Debbie Tung
I had a cold this weekend. I'm not asking for sympathy. I'm in the recovery stage after sleeping the weekend away. Debbie Tung's Book Love was the ideal selection after a cold with fever. Even I could concentrate on this delightful book of comics. First, check...
In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick
When you're looking for a fun, dog-loving romantic novel, Beth Kendrick's Black Dog Bay books work. They're all loosely connected by the setting, Black Dog Bay, Delaware, "the best place in America to bounce back after your break up", but you don't have to have...
Bones Behind the Wheel by E.J. Copperman
I like E.J. Copperman's Haunted Guesthouse mysteries. In the latest, Bones Behind the Wheel, innkeeper Alison Kerby comments that "The National Language of New Jersey is Sarcasm." That's why I return to this series, for the humor. Bones Behind the Wheel...
The Alchemist’s Illusion by Gigi Pandian
Art and history combine in Gigi Pandian's fourth Accidental Alchemist mystery, The Alchemist's Illusion. Although you can easily start with this one, I'd love to have started with the first one in which alchemist Zoe Faust first meets the gargoyle/chef Dorian. Now,...