Reviews + Articles
Winners and a Multiple Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Burning Ridge is going to Dianne C. from Elk Grove Village, IL, G.B. from East Lansing, MI, and Jane T. from West Linn, OR. Karen R. of Katy, TX and Sandie H. of Sarasota, FL won The Cats Came Back. The books went...
What Are You Reading?
"On the road again." I'm actually traveling today and tomorrow, so I won't be around to discuss books. Instead, I'll be in the car for about 5 1/2 hours each way. But, that doesn't mean you shouldn't take up the challenge. Let others know what you're reading or...
I’d Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel
One of my book loving friends, Kay, blogs at Kay's Reading Life. She also comments on this blog on Thursdays when we do "What Are You Reading?" Kay recently suggested a book of essays called I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life...
November Road by Lou Berney
Lou Berney acknowledges his mother's love of a good story in his introduction to November Road. He discusses the many ways she influenced this novel, from her claim he was conceived the night John F. Kennedy was assassinated to her stories of a road trip and...
The Hollow of Fear by Sherry Thomas
I've read the second, and now the third Lady Sherlock mystery by Sherry Thomas. I'm afraid I'm just not the right audience for these books, although I'm a big fan of the original Sherlock Holmes stories and some of the pastiches. I found The Hollow of Fear...
The Next Person You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
If you read my blog on Thursday, you might have read Ron Charles' Washington Post review of this book. It was funny. But, I read Mitch Albom's The Next Person You Meet in Heaven. It's really directed at the same audience that made The...