Reviews + Articles
Winners and Cat Cozies
Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. Glen D. of Yuba City, CA won Toucan Keep a Secret. The Man Who Couldn't Miss will go to Karen R. from Katy, TX. The books are going out today. How about some cat cozy mysteries this week? A Tale of Two Kitties is...
What Are You Reading?
Although I downloaded Bob Woodward's Fear, I haven't started it yet. I'm on deadline again (am I always saying that to you?), but I'm also still reading Juliet Blackwell'sThe Lost Carousel of Provence. My actual excuse is Bouchercon, and talking to Mom about...
Bouchercon Saturday
Saturday was a full day at Bouchercon, going into the evening. I had said I'd volunteer at the Left Coast Crime booth in the morning. First, though, I had to find it. So, I asked John Purcell for directions. He was a dedicated volunteer and spent most of the...
Bouchercon 2018 – St. Petersburg, FL
So much Bouchercon, so much to try to remember so I can share it with you. I know I'm going to miss a lot, but I'll at least try to share pictures. Bouchercon was at the historic Vinoy Renaissance Resort in St. Petersburg. Beautiful, restored historic hotel, but...
A Borrowing of Bones by Paula Munier
Paula Munier's debut mystery, A Borrowing of Bones, has everything. It's fast-paced and intense, engrossing with an atmospheric setting in the Vermont woods. For those of us who read for character, though, it's outstanding. Mercy Carr, a veteran of two tours in...
Hitting the Books by Jenn McKinlay
Although I missed a couple in Jenn McKinlay's Library Lover's mystery series, it's always satisfying to return to Briar Creek, Connecticut. It's like meeting up with old friends, Library Director Lindsey Norris, her boyfriend, Sully, Captain Mike Sullivan, her...