Reviews + Articles
Burning Ridge by Margaret Mizushima
Although I had heard of Margaret Mizushima's previous books in the Timber Creek K-9 mystery series, I hadn't read any of them. Burning Ridge, the fourth book, is an excellent introduction, even for those of us who haven't read the earlier ones. Deputy Mattie...
Humor in the Giveaways
This week, I'm giving away two mysteries with humor. David Handler's humor is witty while Donna Andrews is broader. Keep that in mind when you enter the contests. Writer Stewart Hoag is back in David Handler's latest Hoagy and Lulu mystery, The Man Who Couldn't...
What Are You Reading?
It's National Read a Book Day! For this Thursday group, every day is National Read a Book Day, isn't it? What are you reading today? I'm going to start a book at the airport while I'm waiting to fly to St. Petersburg for Bouchercon. I can tell you two of the books...
Secret Undertaking by Mark de Castrique
After I read a couple of Mark de Castrique's Sam Blackman books, I quit the series. But, the seventh Buryin' Barry mystery, Secret Undertaking, made me go back to pick up the first in this series. Dark humor, that western North Carolina small community...
The Cats Came Back by Sofie Kelly
There seem to have been an extraordinary number of weddings in mysteries this summer. No, librarian Kathleen Paulson isn't the one getting married in Sofie Kelly's The Cats Came Back. But, she's part of the wedding party and planning throughout the book. It's...
Death at Whitewater Church by Andrea Carter
While the trade paperback of Andrea Carter's Death at Whitewater Church was just released, it appears that the book has been out for several years online. However, most readers will discover it as the debut mystery in a character-driven, atmospheric series....