Reviews + Articles
Swift Vengeance by T. Jefferson Parker
I thought T. Jefferson Parker's second novel featuring PI Roland Ford was terrific. Swift Vengeance is a fast-paced story that is all too plausible. This was my first one of Parker's books, so I can't compare them to earlier ones. I found the characters...
The Widower’s Notebook by Jonathan Santlofer
Jonathan Santolofer's book, The Widower's Notebook, is a memoir. The author of The Death Artist and Anatomy of Fear did not write an instructional manual as to how to survive grief. It's a very personal account of the sudden death of his wife, Joy, and his own...
No Post Today
Hi! I was out of town all day yesterday, so there's no blog today. Check back tomorrow, please!
Winners and A London Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Lisa W. from Rochester, IN won The Night of the Flood. Daniel M. from Weymouth, MA will receive Ten Year Stretch. The books will go out in the mail on Saturday. This week, I'm giving away two mysteries set in...
What Are You Reading?
I've met this month's deadline for mystery reviews, so I'm doing a little reading for myself at the end of the week. I haven't finished The Widower's Notebook by Jonathan Santlofer yet, but I will shortly. I have a few books to pick from, of course (ha - a few). I...
Little Comfort by Edwin Hill
I'm not into creepy characters and thrillers. Occasionally, I read one, sometimes by accident. And, I don't like women and children in jeopardy books. If you like books with menacing atmospheres and intense scenes, you might want to try Edwin Hill's debut mystery,...