Reviews + Articles
Kaye Wilkinson Barley’s Meanderings and Muses
When there's not enough time in the day to blog because I'm on review deadline for a journal, I like to share pieces from some of my friends. Kaye Wilkinson Barley is one of my best friends, my roommate for Bouchercons and travel companion to Paris. She has a...
Have You Heard? Murder Past Due by Miranda James
I want to make a couple comments before Sandie Herron's review. I'm back from New York City, and I'll eventually have a couple blog posts about the trip. Some of you might appreciate the photos of the exhibits at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters....
Beach House Reunion by Mary Alice Monroe
For a while, Mary Alice Monroe wrote one of her Beach House books every five years. I'll admit, it always took time for me to remember the family and the relationships. Fortunately for those of us who love to go back to the Isle of Palms, Beach House...
A 1920s Giveaway
This week's contest features two mysteries set in the 1920s, one in India, and one in England. I think you'll enjoy these books, if you win. Abir Mukherjee's second mystery, A Necessary Evil, is set in India. And, let me assure you, you don't need to have read the...
What Are You Reading?
Oh, my gosh! I feel as if I let you all down. I thought I had already posted What Are You Reading? It's probably too late in the day, but feel free to jump right in. What are you reading or listening to? I'm in New York City. Would you believe I left the book I'm...
On Our Way
My sister, Christie, and I are heading to New York City today. Well, Nashville to the airport, first, and then New York. It's my latest Broadway trip. I really wanted to see "Carousel". We have tickets to three other shows, and we hope to get to the Met and the...