Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

Oh, my gosh! I feel as if I let you all down. I thought I had already posted What Are You Reading? It's probably too late in the day, but feel free to jump right in. What are you reading or listening to? I'm in New York City. Would you believe I left the book I'm...


On Our Way

On Our Way

My sister, Christie, and I are heading to New York City today. Well, Nashville to the airport, first, and then New York. It's my latest Broadway trip. I really wanted to see "Carousel". We have tickets to three other shows, and we hope to get to the Met and the...


Better Off Read by Nora Page

Better Off Read by Nora Page

I'm always up for a new mystery featuring a librarian or library. Nora Page's Better Off Read involves a bookmobile and a seventy-five-year-old librarian, Cleo Watkins. Catalpha Springs, Georgia's mayor, Jeb Day, isn't interested in repairing the library's roof...


Winners and No Contest this week

Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. David C. of Granger, IN and Jeanne P. from Bristol, VA won the copies of Antique Blues. Date with Malice is going to Karen B. from Bloomington, MN and Charlotte W. from Covington, GA. They're going out today....