Reviews + Articles
A Shimmer of Hummingbirds by Steve Burrows
It takes a little time to figure out what's happening in Steve Burrows' fourth Birder Murder Mystery, A Shimmer of Hummingbirds. I hadn't read the previous books in the series, so I don't know the relationships. Burrows won the 2015 Arthur Ellis Award for his first...
Every Note Played by Lisa Genova
Lisa Genova is known for her fiction that involves people whose lives are changed by diseases that affect the brain - Alzheimer's, left neglect brain disorder, autism, Huntington's disease. Now, she takes on ALS with Every Note Played. While the progression of...
Cobra Clutch by A.J. Devlin
It's fun to read a debut author's first mystery. It's even more interesting when it's a book I never thought I'd pick up, but I discover I enjoyed the character and the story. In fact, I'll look forward to A.J. Devlin's followup to Cobra Clutch. When "Hammerhead"...
Winners and the Deadly Female
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Plum Tea Crazy will go to Kimbrell S. from Spartanburg, SC. Amy W. from Spring Grove, IL won Hummus and Homicide. The books will go out in the mail today. This week, I'm giving away books written by "Deadly...
St. Louis Trip, April 2018
I consider the trip to St. Louis my birthday celebration. My best friend, Donna, and I worked a half day on Monday, April 9, and then headed to St. Louis. We have a simple routine to start us out. We eat a quick lunch at Subway, then plug in my GPS and my cell...
What Are You Reading?
It's a day early for "What Are You Reading", but I was in St. Louis Monday night and Tuesday. Great trip, and I have lots of pictures to show you. So, I'll share those on Thursday's blog. Instead, let's talk about what you're reading or listening to today. And, if...