Reviews + Articles

Cobra Clutch by A.J. Devlin

Cobra Clutch by A.J. Devlin

It's fun to read a debut author's first mystery. It's even more interesting when it's a book I never thought I'd pick up, but I discover I enjoyed the character and the story. In fact, I'll look forward to A.J. Devlin's followup to Cobra Clutch. When "Hammerhead"...


St. Louis Trip, April 2018

St. Louis Trip, April 2018

I consider the trip to St. Louis my birthday celebration. My best friend, Donna, and I worked a half day on Monday, April 9, and then headed to St. Louis. We have a simple routine to start us out. We eat a quick lunch at Subway, then plug in my GPS and my cell...


What Are You Reading?

It's a day early for "What Are You Reading", but I was in St. Louis Monday night and Tuesday. Great trip, and I have lots of pictures to show you. So, I'll share those on Thursday's blog. Instead, let's talk about what you're reading or listening to today. And, if...