Reviews + Articles

A Day Off

I was reading on deadline this week, and read three books in two days. Since then, I haven't finished a book. I needed a short break. I'll be back tomorrow with a review (I am finishing a book now). In the meantime, everyone needs a day off now and then. Today is...


Winners and a Police Giveaway

Winners and a Police Giveaway

Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. I'm sending Murder of a Good Man to Charlotte W. of Covington, GA. Kathleen C. from Stockton, CA will receive Survival of the Fritters. Unless I'm floating away here (lots of rain), the books will go out today....


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

Honestly? I just collapsed after reading the last three books for yesterday's deadline for a journal. That's okay, though. I've discovered some new authors and books that I would have never read, and you'll read all about them in the next couple months. Since I...


Weekend in Washington, D.C.

Weekend in Washington, D.C.

My sister, Linda, and I went to Washington, D.C. this past weekend. First, though, I drove to her house in Columbus. Linda & I don't believe in down time. Even though I drove for over five hours, we went to a play that night, "Daddy-Long-Legs". It's an...