Reviews + Articles
What Are You Reading?
It's that time of year. I'm reading Christmas books here and there. I just picked up Jason F. Wright's new book, Picturing Christmas, about a young woman who moves to New York City. That captures two things I love, Christmas and New York. Wright is the author...
Obama: An Intimate Portrait by Pete Souza
Pete Souza took all the photos of then Senator Barack Obama, so it's no surprise he was asked to become the Chief Official White House Photographer. For eight years, he had full access to take pictures of the President. If you pick up Obama: An Intimate...
Seeds of Revenge by Wendy Tyson
I hope those of you who read mystery series take my suggestions seriously. Wendy Tyson's Seeds of Revenge is a fascinating mystery with well-developed characters in a small town. There's a complex, character-driven plot. But, I'd recommend that you start with A...
The Ghost of Christmas Past By Rhys Bowen
There’s an atmosphere of sorrow and foreboding that hangs over Bowen’s latest mystery, The Ghost of Christmas Past. After Molly Murphy Sullivan’s miscarriage and the events during the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco (Time of Fog and Fire), Molly’s still mourning....
Bobby Kennedy: A Raging Spirit by Chris Matthews
"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God." - Aeschylus This was part of Robert Kennedy's speech in Indianapolis when he told the crowd...
Purple Palette for Murder by R.J. Harlick
If you haven't read R.J. Harlick's previous Meg Harris mysteries, don't worry about it. You can still pick up the vivid, intense eighth book in the series, Purple Palette for Murder. Harris takes readers away to the Canadian wilderness with all of its beauty. She...