Reviews + Articles

What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

I have the feeling I haven't done a lot of reading this week. I can tell you I took the book Bibliomysteries, edited by Otto Penzler, with me on the plane. It's subtitled "Stories of Crime in the World of Books and Bookstores", so I'm sure the stories by Laura...


Trace by Archer Mayor

Trace by Archer Mayor

The latest Joe Gunther novel isn't really about Joe Gunther. But, Archer Mayor's Trace is an outstanding police procedural that keeps the series fresh and interesting. This time, the story focuses on Gunther's team while he himself takes a backseat role. When Joe...


Protocol by Kathleen Valenti

Protocol by Kathleen Valenti

Admissions right up front, so you can take my review with a grain of salt. Read Kathleen Valenti's debut novel Protocol if the subject matter interests you. I'm not a fan of scientific/medical thrillers. My eyes glaze over when there are paragraphs about...