Reviews + Articles
The Countess of Prague by Stephen Weeks
Are you ready to settle in for a planned mystery series of ten books? Author Stephen Weeks, and his publisher, Poisoned Pen Press, plan to cover the years 1904-1914 in a series to feature The Countess of Prague, Beatrice von Falklenburg, known as Trixie. Her...
Let the Dead Bury the Dead by David Carlson
Here I am, catching a series again after the first one. But, I'm satisfied that David Carlson's second mystery, Let the Dead Bury the Dead, is an excellent introduction to the series and the two sleuths. Meet Christopher Worthy, a Detroit police lieutenant, and...
Winners and a Birthday Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Dianne C. from Elk Grove Village, IL won Souls of Men. Jim G. of Prescott, AZ will receive Thrill Kill. The books are going out in the mail today. This week, we're celebrating a birthday, a book, and a forthcoming...
What Are You Reading?
It's Thursday! I love Thursdays. I get to talk books on Twitter for an hour, and I get to find out what all of you are reading. I'm reading Anne Fadiman's memoir, The Wine Lover's Daughter. She's the author of a couple other books I enjoyed, including Ex Libris....
The Unquiet Grave by Sharyn McCrumb
Sharyn McCrumb returns to familiar territory, Appalachia, in The Unquiet Grave, a novel based on an actual trial. Set in West Virginia, in the late 19th century, the story of the Greenbriar Ghost was enough to convict a man of murder. In 1930, James Gardner is a...
The Bloody Black Flag by Steve Goble
"Spider John Rush resigned himself to the hard truth - he was returning to a world of cut and thrust, hide and pounce, blood and smoke, pitch and tar." No one who reads Steve Goble's debut mystery, The Bloody Black Flag, will want to sing "Yo Ho A Pirate's...