Reviews + Articles



This is what my dining room table looks like at the moment. I have about five more books to read for a deadline on Wednesday, which means nothing else is getting done over the long weekend. I haven't had time to read for the blog. The cats and I are stuck on the...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

I really wanted to share a picture book that I bought, but I don't know enough about children's books for a long review. So, I'm also asking you what you're reading today as well. I saw Matthew Cordell's picture book, Wolf in the Snow, at work. There are very few...


Release Day

Release Day

Today is release day for a number of books that look good. I talked about several with my last book chat. But, I want to feature three books today that I'm going to read, and just haven't had a chance. My Library Journal deadline means I'm reading books that come...


The Movies

The Movies

I didn't get much reading done this weekend. I did finish a book for a later review, but that's it. Instead, I went to the movies - twice. I hadn't been to the movies much in the last year. My friend, Donna, and I bought each other movie gift cards in 2015, and we...