Reviews + Articles
Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? by Alyssa Mastromonaco
I'm the wrong demographic for Alyssa Mastromonaco's story of her time working for Barack Obama, in his Senate office, his political campaigns, and the White House. Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? is subtitled "And Other Questions You Should Have Answers to...
Devil’s Breath by G. M. Malliet
Max Tudor comes out of retirement (was he ever really in retirement?) to assist MI5 and DCI Cotton with a case out of Agatha Christie in G. M. Malliet's latest mystery, Devil's Breath. It's a mystery for those who appreciate convoluted, character-driven...
Souls of Men by A. R. Ashworth
A. R. Ashworth's debut police procedural, Souls of Men, is not for the weak of heart. The crimes are vicious. The villains are true villains. And, his lead detective, Elaine Hope, is in for the fight of her life in this book. Detective Inspector Elaine Hope is...
Winners and A Twist of the Knife Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. Trish R. from Decatur, GA won Pushing Up Daisies. A Death By Any Other Name goes to Sharon B. of Albuquerque, NM. The books will go out today. This week, I'm giving away three copies (Advanced Reader's Copies) of...
What Are You Reading?
It's reached the point where I miss talking about books "WITH" you rather than at you, so I'm even ensuring I have a day free to ask what you're reading. Thanks for sharing, and, often, carrying the burden of the conversation when I'm busy at work. I'm halfway...
Interview with Jill Orr
I had the opportunity to read Jill Orr's debut mystery, The Good Byline, several months before it was released. So, I was pleased she agreed to answer interview questions. I think you'll be able to tell which was my favorite answer. Thank you, Jill. ***** Jill,...