Reviews + Articles

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I know this hasn't been an easy year for so many of my friends, people I love. There's been so much loss and grief this year. It may not be an easy Christmas for so many people. I hope you find joy in your family and friends. I hope there is love...


From EarlyWord

I don't think Nora Rawlinson will mind me sharing this. It's from, her site that connects librarians and publishers. Thank you, Nora! Peer Picks One peer pick arrivesthis week and it is both a LibraryReads and an Indie...


Short Winter Break

Short Winter Break

I need a day or two off to catch up. That Nora Roberts book? Almost 500 pages (I picked up the large print because it was easier to get at the library). I have a book to review for a journal, and I'd like to read it before I start all the mysteries. I'll be back...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

As I said earlier, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed,  so I'm looking forward to a long weekend for Christmas reading. What are you reading right now? I'm finishing Nora Roberts' Guardians Trilogy. Book Three is Island of Glass. I know my sister said she didn't...