Reviews + Articles

Catching My Breath

Catching My Breath

I have a full schedule of books and book reviews for you this week, including a small Treasures in My Closet (not many December releases). But, every time I'm with my family, I just need some time to regroup since I don't read when I'm with them. I read two pages...


Maryland Trip

Maryland Trip

Well, on Wednesday, I was supposed to be making a trip to Maryland with my Mom and two sisters, where we were going to take a trip on the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad. That didn't happen. There were mechanical issues with the train, and we found out the trip...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

I'm actually on a Western Maryland Scenic Railroad trip with my Mom and sisters today, so I won't be checking in until this evening, if we have Internet. The last time we went on a train trip, we were in the mountains with no Internet connection. So, we'll see. We...