Reviews + Articles
Bouchercon 2016 – The People & Sights of New Orleans – Part 2
More photos from Bouchercon 2016 in New Orleans, beginning with the friends I spent much of the convention with. Kaye Wilkinson Barley, David Magayna, Wendy Sand Eckel, me, David Chaudoir Chris Grabenstein as auctioneer Wendy Sand Eckel With David Chaudoir &...
The People & Sights of Bouchercon 2016 – New Orleans – Part 1
I talked about some of the events of Bouchercon 2016 in New Orleans, and I've posted some photos on Facebook. But, here's the first of two days worth of photos - the people & sights of Bouchercon 2016. Leaving Nashville for New Orleans View from the room I...
November Treasures in My Closet – Part 2
Each month, there's a terrific collection of new books. November is no exception. Here's the second part of the books due out this month. In The Jekyll Revelation by Robert Masello, an environmental scientist discovers Robert Louis Stevenson's journal with...
November Treasures in My Closet – Part 1
It's hard to believe it's already for the November Treasures in My Closet posts, isn't it? It's time to check out the forthcoming books so you can pre-order them from your favorite bookstore, or check them out at your public library. This year, Queen Victoria seems...
An Obvious Fact by Craig Johnson
I know nothing about motorcycles, and I usually wouldn't read a book that deals with all the motorcycle riders heading to Sturgis, South Dakota for the annual motorcycle rally. But, An Obvious Fact is written by Craig Johnson. And, from the moment I read the...
Winners & No Immediate Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Bill Crider's Survivors Will Be Shot Again will go to John S. from Iowa City, IA. Martha C. from Scottsdale, AZ won Crowned and Dangerous. I'm sending the books out today. I'm not going to be available to run the...