Reviews + Articles
What Are You Reading?
Are you reading, or are you glued to your TV? I'll be honest and say I can't watch. But, don't worry. I'll definitely vote in November. That really means I have time to read in the evening. I'm halfway through Ruth Ware's new novel, The Woman in Cabin 10....
Marriage, Monsters-in-Law, and Murder by Sara Rosett
Sara Rosett's latest Ellie Avery mystery, Marriage, Monsters-in-Law, and Murder, is a family-oriented, engaging mystery with an authentic, likable amateur sleuth. I've always admired Rosett's skill in putting family first in the mysteries, and this one is all about...
The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan's young adult novels always promise a day of escape into a world of mythology and humor. The Hidden Oracle, the first in The Trials of Apollo, offers both as we see the god, Apollo, brought down to mortal size. In fact, we first meet Apollo when he...
Nine Women, One Dress by Jane L. Rosen
Charming. Delightful. A perfect read for a weekend day. I can't say enough about Jane L. Rosen's Nine Women, One Dress. It may be the little black dress of books. I can't wait to share it with a friend. The last dress Morris Siegel cut the pattern for before...
Absence of Light by Zoe Sharp
When I look back at my blog, it appears that it's been eight years since I read one of Zoe Sharp's Charlie Fox books. That can't be right because it lists Third Strike. And, I know I read Fifth Victim. Once you've met Charlie Fox in a book, you'll never...
Winners & Terrence McCauley, Guest Blogger & Giveaway
Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. Sandy O. from Milford, OH won E.J. Copperman's Written Off, and Cheryl S. of Fort Pierre, SD will receive Larry. D. Sweazy's See Also Deception. The books will go out in the mail tomorrow. Terrence McCauley,...