Reviews + Articles
What Are You Reading?
Well, it was a little nerve wracking for a while last night, with my cell phone, the TV, the tornado sirens, everything going off with a tornado warning here. I should have known I was OK. None of the cats panicked, and Josh just sat and tried to figure out why I...
The Decent Proposal by Kemper Donovan
I read some of the comments about Kemper Donovan's debut novel, The Decent Proposal. While the premise is interesting, and the contrast between the characters is certainly written effectively, somehow I missed what everyone seems to find delightful. Other reviewers...
Come Dark by Steven F. Havill
Every time I read one of Steven F. Havill's Posadas County mysteries, I urge readers to try one. Come Dark may be my favorite in the series, an excellent example of a small-town sheriff's department working together in a community where they know the people and the...
Book Chat – May’s Cozy Mysteries from Penguin Random House
Before the book chat, I owe Claire Donally an apology. She's the author of Catch as Cat Can, and somewhere on the paperwork, I had Dawn Eastman as the author. The video gives the wrong author. The listing below has it right. Here's May's book chat, with a cameo by...
Miller’s Valley by Anna Quindlen
Mary Margaret Miller. Mimi. Meem. Even Babe. Whatever name she goes by, Mary Margaret is one of the most memorable narrators I've met in a long time. She's matter-of-fact as she tells the bittersweet story of the home she loved her entire life in Anna Quindlen's...
Winner and A Bridal Mystery Giveaway
Congratulations to Daniel M. of Weymouth, Massachusetts, winner of The Semper Sonnet by Seth Margolis. This week, I'm giving away mysteries dealing with brides. Marla Cooper's Terror in Taffeta introduces wedding planner Kelsey McKenna, who specializes in...