Reviews + Articles
April Treasures in My Closet – Part 1
It's slightly late, but I do have an April Treasures in My Closet post. Here's the first day, with some interesting looking books. The 14th Colony is Steve Berry's eleventh Cotton Malone novel. In three days, a new President will be sworn into office. A former KGB...
Left Coast Crime 2016
We'll see how much I can write in an hour. (I do need some reading time!) Thursday morning, I volunteered, working with tireless volunteer coordinator Lucinda Surber. I don't think she stops during the entire conference. I admire her for that. The first panel of...
Libby Fischer Hellmann, Guest Author
It's been more than a few years, ten to be exact, since Libby Fischer Hellmann gave us an Ellie Foreman mystery. She's finally bringing her back in JumpvCut. But, Libby chose not to talk about her new book today. Instead, she's talking about one of my favorite...
No Post Today
Good morning! I'm flying back from Phoenix today after a late night at the Left Coast Crime banquet. So no post today. I have a terrific guest blogger tomorrow. And I'll have more LCC pictures this week.
Arizona & Left Coast Crime 2016
Well, the first three days here were wonderful, and then on Friday, something I ate attacked me. So, I only left the hotel room when I went to CVS. That's OK. I wouldn't trade the first days. I had dinner with my friend, Anna, on Tuesday night. Anna worked with me...
Michael Sears, Guest Author
Today, Michael Sears is going to talk about getting published, a subject that may interest a number of readers. And, at the end of the post, I have information about a giveaway of Michael's latest novel, Saving Jason. Michael Sears' first novel, the best-seller...