Reviews + Articles

Nineteen Years of Book Chats

Nineteen Years of Book Chats

Nineteen years. Lesa's Book Critiques was nineteen years old yesterday. In recent years, I've forgotten to mark the date until after it passed. But, it's worth mentioning. That's a lot of books to read and talk about, a lot of authors to host. Somedays, it seems...


First Giveaway of the Year

First Giveaway of the Year

Since I moved, giveaways will be a little more sporadic than they were - not every Friday. I don't have the number of books that I used to have, and publishers are slow to send physical books. But, every once in a while, I'll throw out a contest. This week, I have...


What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading?

Welcome to our first "What Are You Reading?" of 2024! If you haven't been here before, it's a safe place to talk about whatever book you're reading, or what you've read int he last week. Feel free to join the conversation, and I'll do better this year (promise!) as...